2003-07-17 + 7:33 a.m.
Another sleepless night
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It's the scariest fucking thing when you stand up and fall back down within seconds. Like if you've ever "stood up too fast" and you know how you get all dizzy? Well when I stand up it's like 27X worse than that and I black out and just can't see, my whole body feeling like it's asleep. It's horrible. I ate spaghetti today, I'm progressing.

Last night I had the worst time trying to fall asleep. Like I was so excited that I was finally going to be able to sleep, and it felt like morning when I woke up...45 minutes after I fell asleep. It was like this the whole night. I'd wake up in either 11 or 23 minute increments, one after another. I felt kinda sick and was either freezing or sweating, but I didn't have a fever, my temp was only 96.4.

Eh I don't know.


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