2003-07-11 + 11:17 a.m.
Flooded Basement and FUNNY
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Hahaha last night was so much fun...and it was hilarious. My friends are just the greatest. I had all these people IMing me the most random things, haha

BrEaKdAnCa4eVa: our kids would be hott

Nuts4Bucks279: so marla! are you a virgin?

KateE11d: Wow Marla you look so beautiful tonight

Roadrunner114886: GET THAT OUT!


Fluffystarz101: SO THERE >:O

AL IT HE WF: *this is war**this is war**this is war**this is war**this is war*

and lmfao, I could not handle it, I was literally laughing so hard I thought I'd die because of lack of air lol. My parents were thinking I was crazy because I was laughing at the computer and they just didn't get it. Ahh lmfao, I was still laughing at like 1am and my dad comes in and is like MARLA. BE QUIET, THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THIS HOUSE THAT WANT TO SLEEP! And I just burst out laughing again and told him it was because of the word "soggy" and he thought I was on crack or something, then started like screaming at me but at the time it was so funny. So at like 1:30 I'm dancing around my room to Alanis Morissette, and trying to take my braids out at the same time. OMG! I lost SO much hair, I'm seriously surprised that I have any hair left. Eww and it was all greasy and just disgusting lol. It was not as bad as last year though because it wasn't my whole head but yes.

So today I was supposed to be going to DoverLake with Maureen, but they closed because of the weather :( hello?? it's like sunny out. Maybe not the warmest, but it's sunny lol. Gah so yes. I got up and showered and got all ready then she called. So eh. I can lazy around all day once again :-D Actually I think I might to do some laundry because my hamper is overflowing and there are clothes all over my floor. Could be a wise idea. Oh! Speaking of basement hahahaha. Yesterday, because of all the rain, our basement flooded! It was the coolest thing...for me at least, I'm sure my parents weren't too happy because they were like flipping out on the phone, they were in Columbus the whole time lol. But yeah. Kara then had a friend over, so I had both of them help me get rid of the water by getting buckets and scooping it up and putting it in the stationary tub things. Haha it was like being at a waterpark even though it was in my basement and only a couple inches of water.

Ah mom just came out and asked if I was going to weightlifting now that we aren't going to DoverLake, and ah I guess I am. I called Maureen, and we're driving her there and then they'll pick us up I guess. Har har. I'm actually still a little sore from Monday, I can only imagine how much pain I'd be in if I went Wednesday. Hmmm. They didn't do this last year, so hopefully we have a really good season this coming year. Ah now I want to pole vault. rofl. But like, ah.

Yes I will go.

xox bye


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